Friday, November 9, 2012

I drew a lot today

So, you know. Here's some more stuff.


Kyrstin said...

Love these! The first one reminds me of Regina Re: Once Upon a Time. But the colors in all of them are stunning. :)

Rachel Wolfe said...

I love these. For some reason, the first really reminds me of Maxine in "Being John Malkovich" (Catherine Keener's character). Awesome work!

Lindsay Nohl said...

Hi there! My name is Lindsay Nohl from Light Grey Art Lab- a gallery in Minneapolis. We love your work and want to see if you are interested in participating in our upcoming January exhibition! Sorry that I'm leaving a comment, but I couldn't find your email anywhere! Hope to hear from you soon! Send me a note and I'll send you all of the show info! hello(at)

Hope to talk with you soon! :)

Amanda said...

Reeeeaaaally love that girl in the red shoes! :D
All are really awesome!

Viracocha Jason Aristotle said...

You are a wonderful artist. You must be a professional. You have a very commercial flair

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