Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ha ha, jo is making me post this XD

Um, my evil stepmom/medusa thingy of doom!!!

I also have an animation, but i dunno if it is actually on youtube yet or not. OKLETMECHECK.

Ok, so youtube doesn't allow .swf files. NOT FAIR.

I'm trying to upload to DA but it is being tres dumbass.

Its playing really SLOW for some reason...


tulanoodle said...

Okay Kadie, I am going to go cry a little now ;p

I hate being showed up by first years he he.

Kadi Fedoruk said...

awww T_T

but thank you!!! You make me cry a little inside when i go to your page too. You're like, a month younger than me.

So i may be first year, but YOU are the younger one.


JO REID said...

that god damb snake hand!!!

Cassandra said...

Hey Kadi long time no hear. I found you through orries blog, lol. Well I hope everything is going well in Cap College. I can see your art is as pretty as ever. Well nice seeing yr stuff.
check out my blog too.
~yr Friend Cass

Kelvin Law(羅應康) said...

Kd's drawing is getting better and better !!!!I gotta do some secret practise

Anonymous said...

ok, i know you don't know me... but i use lj. Anyway. LOVE YOUR ART! It's really pretty, I think. and I love the way you colour.