Friday, May 25, 2007

Drawing at work XD

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sketch done on first day of my internship. I do storyboards (well, I TRY to do storyboards) fun and I am learning TONS!!!!

I cant wait to go home, im going to start work on my final flim for next year (we dont have to do one but i want to do one... and i am not majoring in animation LOL)

My tablet is dead T_T I need to buy a new one but i cant afford one for three weeks since i will owe my landlady two months rent on june first.

AGGGH. I guess i will relearn natural media LOL. Probably a good thing that it is broken.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

I haven't been drawing much... this is on my sister's tablet, on my dad's computer, in photoshop (which i have forgotten how to use LOL)

Um... an hour?